Sunday, March 1, 2015

Character Sketches (01/03/2015)


I worked a little more on character sketches: I tried basing both character's faces off a lion and a zebra. I think it worked well for the girl, but I am not too sure for the boy. I think I still like the idea too much of him looking more like the "good guy". I think the mohawk is too much and too out of place, although I like giving him a longer nose and changing his eyes.
I think the girl looks more sly, with lion-like eyes and nose. I also gave her a thin body, but I think I like the curvy body more, it makes her look more confident and less vulnerable.

I also tried out giving the "Beast" a lion skull head and perhaps the girl character's hair could also be combined in the "beast". I think if I add the hair, it would be easier to recognise that the monster is based off the girl. I am not too sure about the body, I need to figure out what exactly will be in the circus scene in order to figure out what the "beast" will look like. I like the idea of giving the beast, human legs, it makes it look quite creepy, and a little human-like.

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