Monday, March 9, 2015

Storyboard and Recording


I was able to work quite a bit more on my storyboard, I was able to get more than half done today, I will stay in for late night tomorrow as well to finish it and my animatic.
I ended up changing quite a bit of the rough storyboard, I added a few frames to slow the pace down and give a more "calm" atmosphere. I also added frames for when the mirror always faces "Demetrius". I also added color to the circus scene because I think that scene really needs the color to be able to contrast between the two worlds better.

1 comment:

  1. Very clear ideas shown through your storyboard,nice.

    How far through have you gotten in the storyboarding so far?

    have you got a rough estimate of how long your film would be?

    Anyway its looking really great so far :)
