Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Performance Study Animation (17/03/2015)


I continued working on my Performance Study animation this morning. I continued working on my 3rd rough pass, I also tried out another acting technique, but I think I liked my second idea better. I tried incorporating the pointing when he says "SHE" but I think there is not enough emphasize on the "She" and more on the "Glass". I just focused on when the dialogue comes in, I made his movements less aggressive but I think it doesn't quite match the character, so I decided to stick with my third rough pass.

I continued working on my fourth rough pass, and started my fifth. In my fifth I want to add expressions and make it more on model (ENN).
I changed the timing of his right arm, so it doesn't go down at the same time as his left arm.I might change the timing of the arms in the last bit of the animation as they both move at the same time, might just change the timing a little.


My Story also got picked for the top 6!!!!!!!!! SO I WILL BE ANIMATING IT :D SO EXCITED!!

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