Thursday, March 19, 2015

Performance Study (19/03/2015)


I continued working on my Performance Study, focusing on the dialogue now. I asked one of my classmates to listen to the dialogue and to see if the mouth shapes work.
I asked Frans to have a look at my work, and he said his head movements was too slow, and that he should slow into the keyframe and then slow into the anticipation. He also suggested, isntead of ENN going profile to the left twice, making him glance first. I think this works really well because it makes the second time he looks to the left stand out.
Here is the before and after:




We also had a meeting for the 48 hour, and me, Liam and Eli talked to the people who are interested and showed them what styles we are going for the animation. I also did some sketches so they get an idea of how they can mix different styles together to create a unique one.

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