Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Storyboard Finished! And Pitch Pack! (11/03/2015)


Finally finished my storyboard this morning, I showed my panels to Frans and he suggested little things I can add that would make it flow nicer. I added more expressions for when "Demetrius" sees what the Beast showed him, and made the end more obvious that he doesn't want to let her fall this time by adding a tighter grip at the end and his expression more proud/glad he got the chance to change it.


I also did my Animatic today, I wanted to animate it but I ran out of time, I put it together how I would see the timing and was able to fit it into 2 minutes. I showed it to Frans and he suggested making the transition from the monster like the Monsters face transitions into the circus (kind of like in the movie "The Fall", the transitions scenes). I thought it was a really cool idea and will keep it in mind for other ideas!
I tried making the timing so that the beginning (the chase) is very fast paced and slows down in the forest and mirror scene, near the end it picks up on speed again, and slows down at the very end.

Pitch Pack

I started working on my Pitch Pack today! I was able to almost complete it, I did the schedule sheet, and some layout in InDesign, I will come in early tomorrow and fix up little things and check that I have everything that I need to submit. I just need to do the cover sheet, and the Pitch Pack out nicely.
I might also write down me Que cards to help me present my Pitch Pack tomorrow, although I'm sure I will only show my Animatic and maybe present my Logline. I wish i would have had more time to make the Pitch Pack look better...


  1. Well done! A lot of work and the animatic looks like you described the story!

  2. Thank you so much! :')
    I'm so excited to sleep again!
