Friday, August 28, 2015

Tropical Continent, Ice Temple (Inside) and Spaceship Moodbaords

As I researched images, I found that most of my images that I liked all had water/waterfalls in them. I therefore decided that the "warm continent" of Genesis is going to be a swamp forest with bright colors. Similar colors of No Man's Sky and Avatar (movie). I think it could be a different take on swamps as they are associated with darkness. I think using corals as part of the swamp could be interesting as well.

I researched images of temples in Halo and I looked at ice caves. I think the overall Temple would be quite big as the machine was created inside (and so that the creature can accompany the player). There would be areas that are completely covered with ice and some parts that are still functioning. I liked the colors of deep dark purple/blue and a very light turquoise.

I particulary like the round shapes of the spaceships (more friendly-looking). But I think combining soft and hard shapes would make it more interesting.

I tried out applying the research I did for the moodboard to a quick sketch to see if it's working. I think I want to try out more colors and more harder shapes on the spaceship.

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