Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Game Ideas


Game Idea 1
I tried coming up with a variety of game ideas (not just open world). I looked at "Mega Run" and "Cuphead". I came up with an idea for a side scrolling game, (run and jump) where the player plays as a baby T-rex and has to complete each level in order to get re-united with its mum. I thought it would be interesting if the dinos had bright colors and the environment was similar to the one I drew up yesterday. Maybe the dinos are the only species on the planet.

Game Idea 2
Another idea similar to the Dino one, is that the player plays as a Unicorn and runs around saving the dying forest by using its horn.

Game Idea 3
I tried to expand on the idea from yesterday, I thought maybe the main character has a scar/burn and at the end of the game she finds out why she is on the planet. Maybe her loved one betrayed her, or wanted to get rid of her because of her scar on her face (not beautiful anymore).

Game Idea 4
A group of young teenagers who are stranded in a desert and only have each other to live. It is set in an apocalyptic future where everyone was wiped out except for the group of teenagers. Throughout the game, they grow up and overcome obstacles and eventually find out what happened to the earth.

Game Idea 5
A young adult who goes to college is facing a dark path. She sees everything as a game and the player slowly gets hints that everything is not at it seems. There would be small cut-scenes where she would be just about to go into an abandoned villa, it then cuts to gameplay where the player plays a pixel-like game (similar to luigi's mansion) where she has to navigate throughout the scar villa.

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