Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Title of Game and Game platform

Today I wanted to focus on the Title of the game and start re-writing the story to make sure there are no plot holes.

Nova Vos

The game is single player, where the player controlls the protagonist: Nova.

The Genre is adventure, art game.

In Nova Vos, the player takes role of a figure in a spacesuit on an unknown planet. After an introductory cut-scene, the player is shown a beautiful planet where a spaceship suddenly crashes.


My game would be for PS4 only, I looked at the overall games that come out for PS4, and they mostly involve world exploration and high graphics. “Journey” was created for PS4 only, its eery mood and sense of exploration would match the style of game I want to create.


  1. For the platform maybe think of a platform that is needing more of your genre.Hopping into a saturated market could take away from the games potential.

    Although I do see why you would though,the market would be familiar with the genre so that is a good reason as well.

    Maybe you could go into more detail what exactly drives the story for the player from the start to the end,does the drive change as you find out more?

    1. Thanks Leighton :)
      I went over the platform thing again later on when I researched a bit more :P
      I know what you mean, I didn't really explain why... thanks Leighton, I'm gonna fix that now :P
