Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I looked at a a couple of games that share a certain atmosphere and mood in them. I like the mood in Journey and Flower. I like the idea of a game that is peaceful and celebrates life instead of destruction.

I tried to summarize the gameplay and story of Nova Vos. It's hard...

In Nova Vos, the player takes role of a figure in a spacesuit on an unknown planet. After an introductory cut-scene, the player is shown a beautiful planet where a spaceship suddenly crashes. The player takes control of the figure in a spacesuit called: Nova. Nova jumps out of the spaceship and looks at her wrist revealing the main mission of the game: Find Life. The player's role is then to explore the planet and find life form. As the game progresses, strange shadow figures point the player towards a direction. It leads them towards a cave where the player finds the first life form on the planet. The creature is aggressive and won't let the player near it, but loud stomps in the distance frighten it, making it returns to its cave. The stomps come closer and the player has to quickly run into the cave, giving them a small glimpse at a large figure with spotlights.
Once in the cave, the player teams up with the Creature and have to explore the cave. Inside is a large door which the player has to find a way to open, which leads them into a large temple where more puzzles await. Once the player reaches the end of the temple, they have to find the other 4 Temples in order to destroy the large shadow figure which is a Machine that roams the planet at night. It is up to the player which temple they want to find first and can play them in different order. In each temple there is a body with the same spacesuit as Nova but its head is missing. Once the 3rd temple is found, the player finds a body with the helmet still on.

The main character of the story is a female robot, who crashes on a planet with the mission to find life form.
The main focus of the experience is world exploration and narrative, the player is meant to have a lot of freedom at the start of the game and just explore the planet. As the player gets deeper in the game more hints at story are presented which keep the player playing to find out more.
The game starts off with the protagonist (female main character, NOVA) crashing on a planet. The player then takes full control; Nova's main mission is to find life form. Nova has a sensor detect life from, so if the player gets close to one it will 'beep'. However, the sensor sometimes detects life where there is none, shadows appear on the ground and run away and the player has to follow them. The day and nights on the planet draw quickly, as the planet's circulation is faster than on earth. The shadows lead the player to a cave where they find a life form. Nova takes off her helmet in a friendly gesture but the creature gets aggressive and won't let the player near it. Nova quickly puts on her helmet again. (this is all out of view for the player so they don't get to see her face). Night strikes and loud stomps are heard in the distance. The creature whimpers and quickly hides in its cave. A large black machine-like creature with spotlights as eyes circles the planet. The player then has to quickly hide with the creature in the cave. Inide the cave, Nova has to gather wood to make a fire. When the fire is lit, it illuminates markings inside the cave, showing that humans have been on the planet. The player and the creature venture deeper inside the cave until they arrive at a large door where the player has to figure out the puzzle in order to open it. Once it is opened more puzzles await the player inside a large temple. The player has to jump onto things and always make sure that nothing happens to the creature they are travelling with. Once the player reaches the end of the temple, they find a large switch with a note attached to it: find all 5 temples. The player activates the switch which causes the temple to fall apart. The player has to quickly escape the temple with its new sidekick. Once outside, the player has a new task: to find all 5 temples. Nova takes off her helmet and the creature doesn't budge this time, showing that it trusts her now. Nova's fave is revealed to the player: a bald young woman. The player then has to explore the planet and hide away at night when the machine comes and find all 5 temples. Throughout the planet, there are spaceships scattered, which if the player finds them, reveal that they all look the same as Nova's spaceship. As the player progresses through each temple, more things will be revealed; there is the body of the pilot hidden in every temple, they all wear the same outfit as Nova and have a micro-chip, the player has to collect all of them to find out the backstory, but their heads are missing. The player can choose to which temple they want to go first, it doesn't matter in which order they play in. When the player reaches the fourth one, they find another pilot body, but with its head still attached. Nova decides to take off their helmet; it reveals the same face as Nova's. Nova sees that she was looking at something. Nova traces her look and sees a drawing of the machine; the last temple. The player then has to wait till night to search for the Machine and find a way inside it. Once the player is inside, more clever puzzles await and once the player reaches the end of the temple, they are presented with the last pilot body. The player collects the last micro-chip and takes off their helmet. Nova puts the micro-chip at the back of her neck, it reveals the backstory: The Earth had become too overpopulated that mankind seek out a new planet to move to. They found this one. There were too many animals living on it so they send out engineers and scientists to create a machine that would destroy half of the planet's population so that mankind could move there. The machine started to malfunction and destroyed all the life form on the planet, the scientists and engineers quickly realized and send out help to earth, no response came back. They lost all hope and were killed by the machine.
Nova then activates the last switch and the machine dies. Nova comes out of the machine with her sidekick and looks at her wrist; bush button if life found. Nova smiles and turns away from it, towards her friend. The creatures eggs hatch and the flowers start to bloom.

Who or what populates your game? E.g. player characters, non-player characters, monsters, enemies, etc. Descriptions of a minimum of 3 game entities must be provided unless otherwise agreed upon with your lecturer.
The player character is Nova: a robot with artifical intelligence who is send from earth to destroy the machine and find life on the planet Genesis.
The enemy of the game is Nox: a machine created by mankind, that roams the planet at night, seeking out life to destroy.
The non-player character is a creature that is the only life form left on the planet and the player has to keep it safe.

What/who do the players control? What are players trying to achieve? What do they do? What are the major challenges?
The player takes role of Nova. The players are trying to achieve tasks in a linear storyline through exploration and puzzle solving. The gamplay varies from open world exploration (the planet) and puzzle solving (the temples). By completing each temple the player receives new abilities which they can use in order to finish each temple.
The major challenges are finding the temples through exploration, figuring out the puzzles inside the temples and to keep the creature alive.

Why create this game? What is special, exciting or fun about it?
Novas Vos is more about the mood/atmosphere the player experiences while playing it. The sense of mystery keeps the player moving forward. Novas Vos has a strong message behind it and the focus of gameplay makes it interesting to play. It has a strong sense of exploration why allows the player a lot of freedom.

Influential games: Include screenshots of similar games you could use for ideas/reference while designing the game further (5 minimum). Annotate your screenshots with reasons why they are interesting and will be useful (key features, gameplay, look, layout, controls, etc.).
No Man's Sky, Uncharted, Red Dead Redemption, Journey, Zelda

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