Monday, August 10, 2015

Game Ideas

I looked at a few environmental designs in games I like. I found out that I really like the environments in "no man's sky", I really like the abstract colors and the different planets.

I looked at all the games I like and tried to separate them from what games I liked when I was a child and games I like now. I noticed that all the games I like now are either quite heavily story based with "decisions" you make throughout the game that can alter the outcome of the game; The Wolf Among us, Life is Strange, Heavy Rain and Catherine. I also noticed that in Red Dead Redemption, Batman Arkham City, Assassin's Creed 2, Zelda: Twilight Princess and Pokemon, the games are more about exploration and world building. Uncharted 3, Bioshock Infinite and Left 4 Dead 2 do have strong world building but in a more contained narrative where side quests do not exist.
Most of the games from my childhood are all very gameplay based, where exploration is not that big and neither is story. They're mostly run and jump, a little exploration in Luigi's Mansion, Sims 2 and Starfox Adventures.
Overall I think the general direction I want my game to be is a mix between heavily narrative based with world building and exploration.

Gino helped me come up with an idea, but I'm not so sure about it. I think I want to come up with a lot of ideas throughout the week and then decide which one I like...
There are two main characters the player can choose to play, one of them (female protagonist) lives in a desert/apocalyptic planet where the player can explore the vast world and either steal from poor villages or help them out by fighting gangs.
The other character lives on an ice planet where its main core is a city to keep everyone warm. He works for the government army, and throughout the game he has to eventually travel to the desert planet where the player has to choose which character gets to win the fight between the two (one character has to die). The player the continues the game with only one protagonist and the story will differ depending on which choice the player makes.

I definitely want a strong female character in the game because I feel like a lot of games don't have this. I looked at all the female characters that are defines as "Strong female characters" to see what they have in common, but also to see what is engaging about them and likeable.

I tried applying the similarities I found in the female character's appearances into one of my own designs.

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