Thursday, April 16, 2015

Scene02, Shot 09 Rough Animation and Lion walk for Monster

Scene 02, Shot 09

I went over the gesture rough I did yesterday, and made it more on Model. The eyes move a bit and the ears, but I will fix that when it comes to clean up, I don't want to spend too much time on such a short shot.

Scene 02, Shot 10

I started working on the Beast's walk today. I looked at Lion walk cycles and tried having a go at animating an overall lion walk. I later decided to put more of the Beast's personality into the walk, making the walk more predator like.

This was the first rough I did, I looked at a walk cycle of a Lion and animated it. I found that the movement wouldn't fit the atmosphere of the shot.

I tried matching the movement to the pose in the Animatic, but I found it too restricting and the movement seems off.

Gino suggested looking at the "Lion King" scene :pouncing lesson, where Simba stalks the prey and then pounces. I looked at predator walks from an actual Lion as well, and tried animating it. I wanted to add a bit more of the Beast's personality to the walk as well, so I made the movement of the legs a bit more extreme.

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