Saturday, April 11, 2015

Rough Outline and Storyboard


The scene starts with a tree in the foreground with a poster on it. The poster has the title of the short film on it and "Demetrius" and "Lionetta" (names subject to change) are on it. Behind the tree we see a circus. There's a loud applause from an audience and then a sudden gasp. We see a man run out of the circus.
The camera follows him as he runs. The circus gets smaller in the background. "Demetrius" stops when he gets to the start of a forest. He looks back, doubtful, but his expression changes quickly to angry (she deserves it). He enters the forest, the camera follows him. As he walks, a tree in the foreground swipes past and swipes him from 3D into 2D. The trees also swipe into more crooked trees. There are still a few trees that are 3D.
There is a high angle shot showing him walking through the forest (kind of fisheye). Another wide shot of him walking to the right, there is something in the foreground that blends in with the overall background, but moves as soon as he walks off screen right. Demetrius quickly turns to his left in the next shot but shrugs it off and keeps walking. As he keeps walking he hears a snap of a branch. Alarmed, he turns around quickly but only sees trees. He squints his eyes and looks closer. The monster slowly appears behind some trees and reveals itself fully, staring at him. Demetrius is shocked and back away. The monster jumps to the left and then leaps towards Demetrius. Demetrius ducks, and the monster overshoots. The monster skits, trying to catch itself from the overshoot. Demetrius is shocked and starts running. The monster chases him and is swiped on and off by the trees that pass in the foreground. As the monster is swiped on and off, it starts to get closer to Demetrius. Demetrius looks back and sees the monster is gaining on him, he quickly turns back and sees a cluster of skinny trees. He jumps through them (acrobat like) while the monster is unable to get through. Demetrius catches himself and looks back towards the beast. We see the beast peeking through the trees and slowly vanish into darkness. Demetrius sees a light coming through the trees. Thinking it is the end of the forest he starts walking toward it. As he gets closer to the light, the beast appears again behind him. Shocked, Demetrius stumbles backwards and trips over a branch/rock which makes him fall down a small slope into a clearing. Demetrius opens his eyes and looks around, trying to figure out where he is. He sees that he has fallen into a clearing (which is out in the open), scared that the beast is still out to get him, he cautiously walks backwards, away from which he came from. As he walks backwards, one of the trees in the foreground swipes a mirror into view. Having his back turned from the mirror, he walks into one of the mirror shards. Confused, he turns around to see the mirror in front of him. He sees his own reflection, only his reflection is 3D instead of 2D. Puzzled, he tries to touch the mirror. As his finger touches the mirror, cracks appear on the mirror from his contact. Taken aback, he flinches away from the mirror. He sees his reflection in the mirror smile before the mirror shatters, as the mirror shatters another layer of the mirror becomes visible with the beast behind it. Demetrius is shocked starts walking backwards, away from it. The beast reaches its hand out of the mirror to grab hold of one of Demetrius' wrists. The beast starts to draw him closer toward it, Demetrius tries to resist, but the Beast's other hand gets hold of Demetrius' other wrist. The beast hold him up so that Demetrius is dangling before the mirror. The camera zooms into the Beast's eye, and as it zooms the whole screen is filled with the color of the beast's eye. The camera zoos out again to reveal that the same eye color is the one of a girl (Lionetta). As the camera keeps zooming out she is revealed smiling and waving toward the audience. A establishing shot of the inside of a circus is shown. We see Demetrius on the other side of the circus looking at the girl in jealousy. They both leap for their trapeze bars and swing toward each other. The girl lets herself go and Demetrius catches her by her wrists. Instead of holding on, Demetrius lets her go. The audience gasps in the background.
As Demetrius let her go, it cuts back to the dream state where the monster lets Demetrius go. Demetrius falls down and looks shell-shocked. The monster in the mirror morphs into the Lionetta. Demetrius looks up and looks down, his expression full of sadness/guilt/sorry. We see an arm reaching out to him. He looks up and we see Lionetta reaching her arm out of the mirror for him. He smiles and grabs her arm. She helps him up and disappears into the mirror. Demetrius breathes out and with a determined face to change, leaps into the mirror which transitions back to the circus of him leaping for his trapeze bar. He swings toward her and catches her. This time his hands tighten around her wrists. -THE END-
Perhaps, if we have time, we could add an extra scene at the end of the credits of Demetrius and Lionetta both standing on the trapeze bar and waving.

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