Monday, August 17, 2015

Target Audience

Game entities: Who or what populates your game? E.g. player characters, non-player characters, monsters, enemies, etc. Descriptions of a minimum of 3 game entities must be provided unless otherwise agreed upon with your lecturer.
The player character is Nova, a robot who has AI. The non-player characters is the creature the player befriends and later in the game can ride on. The enemy is the massive machine that roams the planet.
Game goals: What/who do the players control? What are players trying to achieve? What do they do? What are the major challenges?
The players controll Nova (main character), the player has to find life form at the start of the game, and later on changes its mission to destroy the machine. The player has to find the 5 temples to destroy the machine. The major challenges are the puzzles inside the temples and to keep the creature safe. The gameplay changes from open world (exploration) to puzzle solving (in temples).
Reason: Why create this game? What is special, exciting or fun about it?
I like the idea of making a game with a message behind it, I think it would be a fun game because the player has a varitey of gameplay: open world, puzzle solving and adventure. I aslo like the freedom of roaming around in a world with a narrative that keeps the player interested as well.
Influential games: Include screenshots of similar games you could use for ideas/reference while designing the game further (5 minimum). Annotate your screenshots with reasons why they are interesting and will be useful (key features, gameplay, look, layout, controls, etc.).
No Man's Sky, Uncharted, Red Dead Redemption, Journey, Zelda

Target audience
Who is your target audience and how will your concept appeal to them?
Demographic: Provide information on your target market’s age group, gender, income bracket and consumer behaviour.
My Target audience is “Mid-core”, my game doesn't have a complicated narrative so the player doesn't need to invest too much into it. There are micro-narratives to be found throughout the world, and little quests the player can do, but the overall gameplay of the game is simple. The story of the game is deep but the gameplay/cutscenes are short, making it accessible for “Mid-core” players.
My target audience's age group is between 13-35, the gameplay itself is simple and suited for young adults but the art/theme behind it is more for the “aging gamers” who enjoy the depth of the story.
The gender of my target audience is male and female, as the gameplay of the game doesn't evolve any “shooting” or much violence. I believe both genders would be suited as the game does have a strong sense of story later on in the game which intrests both genders, although I would think female would be perhabs 40% and male 60%. Male gamers aged between 20-35 like games like: shooters, racing action RPG, card battle and strategy. Female gamers aged between 20-35 like games like: Endless/Runner, Brain/Quiz and Mgmt/Sim.

Income = 

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