Friday, October 30, 2015

Stance Tests and Rough Stance Animation Final

I tested some run cycles, but I decided to focus on the stance animation for now. We only have 3 weeks left, so I want to make sure I got the basics covered, and if I have time I will animate the run cycle, or even just add a rough one to the trailer to show progress.
I tried to show weight again in the run, the first one I think worked out quite well, except it looked to bouncy.
I think I jumped into detail too fast for this one. Once I finish the stance animation, I will focus on the run more, making it more simple and more gesture like.

I tried out another few stance animations, I also tried one where Nova is more upright, but I felt that her personality didn't come through. Frans liked the 7th one, although there is still a lot of movement, it could still be used for a stance for after a long run.

I started to put in the basic shapes, I realized that the legs don't move very much, so I changed the timing on the one below.

I tried to animate the hands a bit more, making the fingers move as she moves. The hands are still a bit rough, but once I move to clean up, I will fix them. I tried to vary the legs and head. The hands still move on the same frames, but I think it balances out all the other different timed movements.

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