Thursday, October 1, 2015

Some more Research, Planning and concepts for Nova


I looked at some more Kickstarter pages. Frans showed us Jotun, which was really useful in terms of style and how it was presented as a whole. It made me very interested in the game, the trailer had the director voice over and his speech was very interesting. I will use that trailer as my main resource!

I continued doing some more writing and planning for the Kickstarter mock up page. I will leave it as it is now and as I produce concepts, I will change things around as I come up with more ideas for the game and concepts.

I played around with Nova's design and added bigger hands to her, The big hands make her look more like an explorer I think. I still want to play around with them to find a way to make them look more interesting. I also found that Nova resembled a Bird a little, I looked at Owls and tried to incorporate them into the design, not just because it looks cool but because it would also make sense for Nova to look more animal-like so that Lux wouldn't be scared of her.

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