Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cut-scene mock up sketches

I started doing a few sketches for the cut-scene mock up. I played around with the position and angle of Lux and Nova. I'm thinking about refining the bottom right one. Frans suggested placing Nova more in the middle, as where she is now, it creates a tangent. 

I started the lineart, and tried out different positions for Nova. I might change it a bit to the one in the sketch but also to match the perspective

Playing around with what kind of colors to use for the night-time setting. I want Lux to glow so he would be the main light source. I might have to change the perspective a bit more for the tree and everything.

Did a rendered promotional art for the enemy plant. I will do one for the healing plant for the kick starter page. I had to change this around, I might have to re-plan the kick starter mock-up to fit what I want to do now.

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