Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Did a couple of sketches of NOX, I tried making it blend in more, making it look more animal-like. Frans suggested looking at crabs, turtles and big machines, which helped a lot!

I worked on finalizing the design of NOX and started the lineart for it. Frans suggested making the moss/grass seem like it was flesh that was on NOX. I liked that idea a lot and tied to incorporate it into the design. The cables as the neck were a nightmare!

I'm interested in the effects of video games on young children, and whether they are harmful or not. II was particularly interested in the aspect of how iPad games can be used as a distraction tool for the child, so that the parents do not have to look after them.

I'm interested in this, because I want to find out what psychological effects video games have on young children and whether or not they effect early childhood development. The information I would like to ideally find is what the psychological effects are of young children playing video games, the amount of time they spent playing games and what effects violent video games vesus educational video games have on early childhood development.

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